Why do you need broadband speakers?
There is no need to explain to anyone why broadband no contract broadband deals speakers are needed - these are the main speakers of any audio system, not just car audio. Why you need a broadband speaker in a car that does not have an audio system is clear to everyone. But why would a car enthusiast need it if his car already has a standard audio system? Then, on the audio system, manufacturers often save money by installing inexpensive single-way speakers, which still somehow pull out the mids, and cut the "top" and, especially, the "bottom" mercilessly. You don't have to be a music lover to notice the disappearance of the bass guitar in your favorite composition, and an inexpensive "single-strip" can easily provide such a trick. The easiest way to save the situation is to replace the standard speakers with coaxial ones or with higher quality broadband ones with an extended frequency range.
But nevertheless, the most common reason for replacing a
standard (sometimes even coaxial) speaker with a broadband one is the creation
of component car acoustics, i.e., an audio system in which the sound is divided
into frequencies and each frequency band is sounded by a separate speaker:
tweeters, midrange - broadband speakers, woofers - subwoofers. So far, it is
component car speakers that are considered the best solution for ensuring the
purity and quality of sound.
Having decided why you need a full-range speaker, you can
start selecting a specific model according to its characteristics.
Characteristics of broadband speakers
Speaker size. It cannot be stated unequivocally
that the larger the speaker, the better the low frequencies sound and the worse
the high frequencies sound. But a good woofer is likely to be large in
diameter, simply because it is easier for a large cone to create a high SPL and
maintain loudness at low frequencies. At the same time, a different 10cm driver
provides better bass performance than another 15cm. Therefore, when choosing a
full-range speaker in a car, you should pay attention to the diameter as a
purely geometric characteristic together with the landing depth: whether the
speaker will fit into the intended installation location. And it is better to
check the correspondence of its chosen role by the frequency range and
amplitude-frequency characteristic.
Speaker Maximum Power (PMPO) is the short-term (up to 2
seconds) signal strength that a speaker can withstand without damage. If the
maximum power of the amplifier is higher than the maximum power of the
speakers, you should refrain from listening to music at a volume close to
maximum - especially music with sudden and prolonged changes in volume. But it
should be borne in mind that there is no standard procedure for measuring
maximum power and when choosing speakers it is better to focus not on it, but
on the rated power.
Speaker rated power (RMS) - one on which he can work for
an hour without danger of damage cheap
broadband plans no contract . It is this characteristic that should be used when
choosing a speaker. You should also focus on the power of the amplifier to
which the speaker will be connected. The power of the speaker should be
comparable to the power of the amplifier (radio). With large differences in the
power of the speakers and the amplifier, you should refrain from listening to
music at high volume: if the power of the amplifier exceeds the power of the
speakers with loud music, the latter can simply be burned. And if the speaker
power exceeds the power of the amplifier, it can enter "clipping"
mode, outputting an extremely harmful high-frequency signal to the speaker. The
first sign of a “clipping” amplifier is that the volume does not increase as
you turn the volume control further. Further, wheezing, crackling, and clicks
appear in the sound of the speaker. When they appear, you should immediately
reduce the volume and do not increase more to this level.
Minimum and maximum frequency dynamics are one of its most
important parameters that determine the sound quality of a future audio system.
The human ear hears sounds with a frequency of 20 to 20,000 Hz, and the better
the frequency range of an audio system covers the range of audible frequencies,
the fuller its sound will be. If you choose a single-way speaker, it should
cover as wide a range as possible - the minimum frequency should be as close to
20 Hz as possible (30-40 Hz is quite a good indicator), and the maximum
frequency should cover the entire audible range, i.e. 20,000 Hz. If a subwoofer
is to be used with a speaker, the minimum frequency requirement is relaxed.
Such a two-way speaker can have a minimum frequency of 100 hertz or more. If a
tweeter is to be used, then the maximum frequency requirement is reduced.
And, if sound quality is important to you, before buying a
speaker, try to see its amplitude versus frequency graph - frequency response
(AFC) - the smoother it is in the range of reproducible frequencies, the better
the sound transmission will be.
When choosing a multi-way speaker, should you give preference
to one whose range is narrower? Probably yes. Flat frequency response is much
easier to achieve over a small range, so a speaker with a narrow frequency range is likely to have a smoother response in this area than a speaker with a
wide range.
The number of bands determines how many speakers must be
included with the data in order to ensure full audible range coverage. A
single-way speaker may be the only speaker in the system, providing sound
quality that is far from ideal, but sufficient, say, for listening to the
radio. Two-way speakers require an additional subwoofer or tweeter - more
precisely, you can say by looking at the maximum and minimum frequencies.
Three-way speakers require both a subwoofer and a tweeter.
The impedance or internal impedance of the speaker
must be exactly supported by the amplifier. If you connect a speaker weekly
broadband with an impedance of 2 ohms to an output rated for at least 4
ohms, the amplifier's output stage may burn out, unable to withstand the
doubled currents. If, on the contrary, connect an 8-ohm load to an output rated
for a maximum of 4, then the sound of the speaker will be much quieter than if
the connection were made correctly.
Sometimes several speakers are connected to the amplifier to
increase the sound pressure. Then their total impedance is calculated according
to the formula corresponding to the type of connection.
Sensitivity characterizes the sound pressure
generated by the speaker, showing how loud (in dB) a 1W signal applied to the
input will sound at a distance of 1m from the speaker. For devices of
comparable power, the higher the sensitivity, the louder the sound. The lower
the sensitivity, the more powerful the amplifier must be to produce sound at
the same volume.
Diffuser material. The speaker cone has conflicting
requirements - it must be as rigid as possible to instantly transfer the
acceleration of the coil to the entire cone surface, and, at the same time, it
must damp well any vibrations to prevent "ringing". Manufacturers are
constantly developing new materials, trying to achieve the perfect balance
between stiffness and damping.
or cellulose - the oldest cone material is still a good solution due to its
high damping ability and good rigidity. The disadvantages include low
mechanical strength and susceptibility to weathering.
(IMPP) is inexpensive, durable, has good damping capacity, and is weather-resistant (important for a car speaker). Unfortunately, the rigidity of
polypropylene is low, especially when used in its pure form, which is often the
case in inexpensive models - because of this, the sound quality suffers.
and CFRP-based composite fibers have high rigidity, providing high sound
quality, but damping in them is not high, the frequency response of such
speakers can be uneven, have pronounced peaks and dips.
Suspension material. For mid and tweeters, the suspension
material should have good damping and above-average stiffness. Paper and cloth
are ideal for this. Paper suspensions are cheaper and easier to manufacture,
but fabric ones have better performance characteristics, so high-quality
speakers often have a fabric suspension. Rubber surrounds are more often used
in speakers aimed at good low-frequency reproduction, this material is too soft
for high and mid frequencies.
It should also be understood that the same material from
different manufacturers can vary greatly depending on the composition,
impregnation, and manufacturing technology.
Therefore, you should not choose a speaker based on the
material of the diffuser and suspension, and take information about these
materials as additional.
Before buying, it will be useful to pay attention to the
number of speakers included no
contract broadband without landline. The low price of the selected good of the speaker can be determined precisely by the fact that it comes with one in the
Choice options.
a simple audio system at the lowest cost, look at single-way speakers. Sound
quality is likely to be average, but better than nothing.
For good transmission of sounds of the entire audible range, choose among the
speakers with the maximum frequency range.
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